


Developing out of personal experience with scoliosis and a chance encounter with medical archives at the Wellcome Collection, rules for photographing a scoliotic patient finds its way through found images, text, materials and objects related to the abnormal curvature of the spine.

Through arrangement of visual and tactile materials and collaboration with other scoliotic individuals, this ongoing exercise attempts to make sense of various inventions of spinal interventions, the role of image-making in the medical field, the male gaze towards the female body and human experiences of living with spinal deformity.

About Woong Soak Teng

Woong Soak Teng practices in the intersections of art making, producing, and project management. Her personal projects examine human tendencies to control natural phenomena and nature at large. Current research interests include the human experience of living with spinal deformity and the role of image-making and representations of human bodies in the medical field. She forms one-third of the art collective, DASSAD.

About Macarius Eng

Macarius is a designer who is interested in making interesting things.

Having begun his creative journey as a graphic designer, he is slated to start an industrial design degree soon (2022) in Design Academy Eindhoven, Netherlands. This is not a pivot, but rather an expansion and a step towards his ultimate goal of being a truly multidisciplinary designer. He is interested in all forms of creative and visual expression, as well as problem-solving and storytelling in every dimension. Currently, he is working on a board game about Greek society and a guidebook on how to cut paper with a pen-knife.

About A Different Reading

A Different Reading is a project by THEBOOKSHOW that attempts to open up new dialogues and synergies between young creatives of varied background, training and knowledge through the process of creating a new artist book. Bringing together 5 young artists and 4 young designers, under the mentorship of Hanson Ho of H55 and artist Ang Song Nian, each artist-designer pair produces a new art book that was launched at the Singapore Art Book Fair 2022.


THEBOOKSHOW aims to become a mediator between the art world and the general public through the book medium. It acts as an avenue for artists to showcase self-published art books in exhibitions and art festivals in hopes to bring upon renewed perspectives of the medium. We believe very much in challenging the medium – moving away from its conventional form and exploring the vast possibilities the medium allows. In time, we seek to build a substantial database advocating that the book form as an art in and of itself, harnessing this non-discriminatory medium to reach new audiences and connecting the arts community through exhibitions and activities centring the art book, establishing THEBOOKSHOW to be synonymous with the presentation of art books and working towards our eventual goal of building a thriving, all inclusive arts culture.

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BY  Woong Soak Teng
DESIGNED BY Macarius Eng
YEAR 2022
DETAILS Part of the project, A Different Reading
Book 29.7cm x 18cm, 128pp
Interviews 29.7mm x 18cm, 32pp
First Edition of 200 copies

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