Embark on a visual odyssey to capture and portray your world
Objectifs invites students and media clubs from MOE schools to showcase their creative and compelling visual narratives by taking part in our inaugural Student Visual Storytelling Awards. Selected participants will be part of a national group exhibition in September 2024.
Centred on the theme ‘World Around Me’, the competition unfolds across three categories:
1. Student Photographer of The Year: Submit an individual photo story comprising of 5-8 captivating images on the theme.
2. Student Film of The Year: Showcase your storytelling prowess with a one-minute documentary film on the theme, made by an individual, or a team comprising up to 3 student filmmakers.
3. Photo Club of The Year: Assemble a team of 5 student photographers and submit 15-20 images capturing the essence of school events.
To commemorate this inaugural edition, we are offering free talks for a limited time to share valuable tips and tricks on crafting a well-developed visual story as students prepare their competition entries.
Please get in touch with us at mingrui@objectifs.com.sg to schedule a free talk for your school and find out more about submission details.
Terms and Conditions
1. The STUDENT VISUAL STORYTELLING AWARDS (‘the Competition’) is organised by OBJECTIFS CENTRE LIMITED (‘the Organiser’).
2.1 Participants
2.1.1 The Competition is open to students aged 12 – 18 studying in MOE schools, i.e. Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges, ITEs, and government-funded SPED schools.
2.1.2 All entries must be submitted under the endorsement of a teacher-in-charge from the same school.
2.2 Theme
The Competition theme is “World Around Me” and photos and videos submitted must reflect the theme. There are three competition categories – Student Photographer of the Year, Student Film of the Year and Photo Club of the Year. (Please refer to paragraphs 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 for details regarding the categories.)
2.3 Competition Period
The Competition accepts images made from 18 July 2023 to 19 July 2024. The deadline for submissions is 5pm on 19 July 2024. Late entries will not be considered.
2.4 Registration
2.4.1 Participants shall register online and upload their photos here.
2.4.2 Participants shall fill in the required fields on the online form. Only entries with complete and accurate information shall be eligible for the Competition.
2.5 Categories – Student Photographer of the Year
2.5.1 This category is open to all eligible participants.
2.5.2 Each participant must submit a photo story of 5-8 images, with an accompanying writeup of 150 words max.
2.5.3 Photos must be submitted in JPEG format, and each file should be at least 1920 pixels on the long side of the image.
2.5.4 Upload a Zip folder containing all images and writeup (max 100MB) to the google form.
2.6 Categories – Student Film of the Year
2.6.1 This category is open to all eligible participants. Submissions are to be made by individuals or teams comprising up to 3 participants from the same school.
2.6.2 Each team must submit a documentary based on the theme, with an accompanying writeup of 150 words max.
2.6.3 Videos must be submitted in MP4 format, and each file should not exceed 60 seconds.
2.6.4 Upload a Zip folder containing video and writeup (max 100MB) to the google form.
2.7 Categories – Photo Club of the Year
2.7.1 This category is open to all photo clubs in an MOE school. Submissions are to be made by clubs using images made by at least five members of its club.
2.7.2 Each club must submit a portfolio of 15-20 images made during the club’s activities (e.g. events coverage).
2.7.3 Photos must be submitted in JPEG format, and each file should be at least 1920 pixels on the long side of the image.
2.7.4 Upload a Zip folder containing all images and writeup (max 100MB) to the google form.
2.8 Submissions
2.8.1 No submission fee is required for this Competition.
2.8.2 Photos submitted for this Competition may not be, at any time, used by participants to promote or advertise a commercial product or event. They may not contain or be connected with any obscene, blasphemous, libellous, offensive, pornographic or otherwise unlawful or inappropriate material or activity, as determined by Objectifs, in its sole discretion. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify entries and remove submissions/photos that contain, or are connected with, any such material or activity without prejudice to any other action that may be taken in connection with such submission.
3 Awards
3.1 The judges will award the following prizes:
3.1.1 Student Storyteller of the Year
First Prize: $200 Voucher + Plaque
Second Prize: $100 Voucher + Plaque
Third Prize: $50 Voucher + Plaque
All qualified submissions: Certificate of Participation
3.1.2 Student Film of the Year
First Prize: $200 Voucher + Plaque (each student)
Second Prize: $100 Voucher + Plaque (each student)
Third Prize: $50 Voucher + Plaque (each student)
All qualified submissions: Certificate of Participation
3.1.3 Photo Club of the Year
First Prize: $400 Voucher + Plaque
Second Prize: $200 Voucher + Plaque
Third Prize: $100 Voucher + Plaque
All qualified submissions: Certificate of Participation
3.2 Entries will be assessed on technical skill (40%) and creativity (60%) in addressing the theme.
3.3 The judges’ decision is final. No correspondence will be entertained regarding the judges’ decision.
3.4 Winning entries will be exhibited at Library@Orchard from 10 Sept 2024 to 6 Oct 2024.
3.5 The winners will be notified via email by 10 Aug 2024.
4. Intellectual Property
4.1 To be eligible for the Competition, participants must own the copyright to their photos and be entitled to reproduce any underlying rights or intellectual property in their photos.
4.2 By submitting their photos, participants represent and warrant that their photos do not infringe any third-party intellectual property right(s); and participants agree and undertake to at all times indemnify, keep indemnified, and hold Objectifs harmless against all losses (including direct, indirect, incidental and/or consequential losses), damages (including general, special, and/or punitive damages), injuries, claims, costs, fees (including all legal fees as between solicitor and client or otherwise on a full indemnity basis whether or not incurred in respect of any real, anticipated, or threatened legal proceedings), howsoever caused by, arising or resulting from their photos and/or use of their photos and/or any breach or purported breach of these Terms and/or any applicable law.
5 Warranties and Indemnity
5.1 Participants agree to assume and accept all risks, dangers, and hazards connected with the Competition, including but not limited to illness, personal injury and death, not due to the Organiser’s and supporting organisations’ gross negligence, loss or damage to themselves or property.
5.2 Participants will not hold the Organiser and supporting organisations liable under any circumstances whatsoever for any and all claims (including but not limited to loss, expense, illness, personal injury and death not due to the Organiser’s and supporting organisations’ gross negligence, loss, damage to themselves or property) against the Organiser and supporting organisations involved which the participants may have or be exposed to as a result of the participants assuming and accepting all risks, danger, and hazards connected with the Competition.
5.3 The Organiser reserves the right to make any changes to the Competition rules and regulations, prizes and other arrangements concerning the Competition. The Organiser does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of information about the Competition found on websites and sources that are not the Organiser’s official website or the Competition website.
6 Display and Other Rights
6.1 The copyright of the photos submitted for the Competition will remain with the participants.
6.2 Participants grant to the Organiser a royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual license to use, reproduce, transmit, display, and prepare derivative works, in whole or in part, of the photos submitted, in any and all media, marketing, and publicity materials (including but not limited to corporate publications, exhibition panels and videos), whether in print, online and/or electronic form:
(a) under the banner of the Competition and its accompanying programmes;
(b) under the banner of the Organiser’s projects that are unrelated to the Competition (including but not limited to collaborative projects with other public ministries/agencies); and
(c) to grant sub-licenses to such public ministries/agencies that the Organiser may collaborate with.
6.3 Participants will be credited for the Organiser’s use of his or her photos.
7. Acceptance of Terms
7.1 Participants accept the Competition rules and regulations and the Terms and Conditions set out herein.
7.2 Should any dispute arise in connection with the Competition or these Terms and Conditions, the decision of the Organiser shall be final.
7.3 Without prejudice to any other provision of these Terms and Conditions, the Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any participant for failure to abide by any of the Terms and Conditions set out herein, or for submitting false, inaccurate or incomplete information or for any other reasonable cause, at the Organiser’s sole discretion, without first informing the participant and without being liable in any way whatsoever for any loss, expense, cost, damages or otherwise suffered or incurred from such disqualification.