
Hong Kong Garage Dogs


Grittier than Shop Cats and Market Cats, Dutch photographer Marcel Heijnen explores another quirky aspect of Hong Kong’s culture in Garage Dogs. The dogs’ gruffer yang to his cats’ fluffier yin reveal an unapologetically masculine world of car parts, engine grease, and tough love. The dry humoured haikus by Grace Chia translate the telepathic messages between owner and guard dog, epitomising the human-canine bond that has made dogs man’s best friend for centuries. Shot during the Year of the Dog, follow Marcel’s journey through the back streets to meet these loyal security personnel, paid in dog lunchbox leftovers and the occasional tummy rub.

About Marcel Heijnen

Marcel Heijnen is a visual artist, designer and musician. Originally from the Netherlands, Asia has been his home since 1992. Marcel’s creativity is driven by a general curiosity about life and its meaning. He currently uses photography as the main medium for his art, exploring its boundaries in a quest for beauty and expression that goes beyond realism, but gets perhaps a little closer to truth.

Over the past few years he has had solo exhibitions at Month of Photography Asia, Vue Privée and Galeri Utama. He has participated in numerous group shows and the Affordable Art Fairs in both Singapore and Hong Kong. He is represented by Eduard Planting Gallery in Amsterdam and Blue Lotus Gallery in Hong Kong.

Marcel is a co-founder of both Chemistry – the design collective, and Artistry – the Gallery Cafe.

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BY Marcel Heijnen
YEAR 2018
DETAILS Softcover
17 cm x 22.8 cm, 144pp
LANGUAGE English and Chinese

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