Do you have a special memory of Waterloo Street?
Do you have an image of how Waterloo Street used to be?

We are looking for images and memories of Waterloo Street to be part of Waterloo Street Stories, which is a project that aims to spotlight the dynamic and textured stories that make Waterloo Street unique, especially the stories of individuals and communities that have gone untold.

Contributions will be considered for display in an upcoming exhibition to be held at Objectifs during Singapore Night Festival 2023.

Help us fill in a gap in the living history of Waterloo Street and capture local memories that are quickly disappearing!

Deadline extended till 2 Jul 2023 2023 (2359 SGT)



Who can contribute?
Anyone who has a past or present memory of Waterloo Street is welcome to contribute to the project.

What type of images and memories are you looking for?
We are looking for images and memories that highlight what Waterloo Street means to you, but also ones that highlight the evolution and changes of Waterloo Street.

Do you want images and memories for particular dates?
We want images and memories for all decades, but are particularly interested in past photos and memories before the 2000s. It would also be helpful if you included a specific date to your image/memory.

We do require your full name, so that we know who has contributed to this project. However, it is not necessary to have your real name published as part of the project. If your image or memory is selected, you will be asked what name you would like attached to your contribution. It could be your real name, a nickname or a pen name.

Conditions of use:

  • All images and memories must be the original work of the contributor, or shared with the permission of the creator.
  • We are not obliged to publish or display all contributions. We may reject material on the grounds of copyright infringement, defamation, offensiveness or other legal considerations.
    We are not able to accept submissions of a commercial nature.

Please note that:

  • Text submitted may be edited to ensure clarity.
  • Images submitted may be cropped or digitally enhanced.
  • However, we will not make any major edits without first checking with you.
  • It is understood that the contributor holds the copyright to their material
  • We are not able to verify the accuracy of these contributions. The opinions expressed in the memories are those of the contributor.

Disclaimer: by sharing your images/memories, you agree to let these materials be used by the Waterloo Street Stories project team for purposes of the project, including marketing and communication efforts.

Please email if you have any concerns or questions.

Waterloo Street Stories is a collaborative project by the #WaterlooStKakis for Singapore Night Festival 2023, to spotlight the dynamic and textured stories that make this street unique. #WaterlooStKakis is a neighbourly collective comprising Centre 42, Objectifs, P7:1SMA, SMU-ACM (Arts and Culture Management Programme at Singapore Management University), and The Theatre Practice.